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How to get rid of Bed bugs naturally - Home remedies

If you notice that you have small itchy spots, red rashes or blisters when you wake up, it could be a sign that you have bed bugs. These tiny little pests can infest the seams of your mattress, bed frames, box springs, and headboards. It can be a challenge to get rid of bed bugs because they are hard to detect and they multiply rapidly. Bed bugs should be destroyed as quickly as possible because they can infest other areas of your home and cause a major problem.

Fortunately, there are many ways to naturally get rid of these pesky critters that make your skin itch and keep you awake at night. Bed bugs can’t survive extreme hot or cold temperatures, so, methods like steam cleaning, hot washes, and drying on a high heat are natural home remedies to eliminate bed bugs from clothing and bedding. For larger areas, you can make your own natural insecticides from tea tree oil, lavender oil, or eradicate bed bugs by sprinkling diatomaceous earth in crevices that bed bugs like to inhabit.

How to get rid of Bed bugs naturally - Home remedies

Baking Soda:

Dries moisture from bed bugs. It’s the safest organic pesticide. Spread baking soda on cracks or wherever you find bed bugs. Clean the place and repeat the process twice a week.

Cayenne Pepper:

The smell of the solution has a long lasting effect and drives the bed bugs away. Boil a teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper, oregano and grated ginger in water. Strain the solution and spray the same on places where there are bed bugs.Cayenne pepper is the best home remedies to get rid of bed bugs permanently.

Hot steam:

Hot steam is a great home remedy to destroy bed bugs and their eggs without damaging the environment. The hot steam method for bed bug eradication can get rid of bed bugs from small crevices and cracks. The steam can also penetrate through the mattress lining and eradicate bug infestations inside the mattress. Scientists have found that bed bugs are quickly killed when exposed to temperatures above 140°F (60°C). So, if you have a steam cleaner, you can use that to get rid of bed bugs fast without using harmful chemicals.

Lavender oil pesticide spray:

lavender essential oil can be used to make an effective natural pesticide spray to kill bed bugs. The insect-repellent properties of lavender oil are toxic for bed bugs but completely safe to use around the home. Add 10-15 drops lavender essential oil and 10-15 drops peppermint oil to a spray bottle filled with water and spray in areas infested with bed bugs. Use the natural pesticide spray daily until you no longer have any signs of bed bug infestation. Shake well before each application.

Very High Temperature Washing:

High temperature hot water kills everything. Kill bed bugs and mites to bacteria and microbes. This is the best way to sanitize your clothing, bedding and mattress cover. Once you do so, make sure to thoroughly dry everything in the dryer and then put them in clean plastic bags to prevent further any bedbug infestation.

Silica Gel:

It’s a dehydrating agent which kills bugs easily. Grind silica gel and apply it all over your house including your bed spreads, mattress. Bed bugs do not notice it and so gets stuck in it and die.

Bean Leaves:

Trichomes present in the leaves kills the insects. It gets into the bedbug’s feet and destroys them. Spread bean leaves wherever there are bed bugs.
