How to Download WhatsApp Status Photos and Videos on Android There are many new features rolling out to WhatsApp users every now and then, one such feature is the “WhatsApp Status” feature which is taken from Snapchat’s Stories feature and WhatsApp decided to roll out the feature to all the users which is a massive 1 billion or more users across the globe. WhatsApp has decided to replace the old Status feature with the WhatsApp Status or WhatsApp Stories feature. It is much similar to the Snapchats Stories and contacts can view the shared images, GIFs or Videos for a period of 24 hours before it gets deleted automatically. However, WhatsApp doesn’t saves your friends and family status to the phone gallery unlike the media. Perhaps, if you want to download WhatsApp stories on Android which includes photos, videos and GIFs then you can do it easily with “Story Saver for Whatsapp“. The app offers an easy-to-use interface to save any images or videos shared by your contacts. Als...